In the Mahabharata, Bhishma Patamah had told Yudhishtir to be happy, this story. There is a story in the Mahabharat...

In the Mahabharata, Bhishma Patamah had told Yudhishtir to be happy, this story

In the Mahabharata, Bhishma Patamah had told Yudhishtir to be happy, this story.

In the Mahabharata, Bhishma Patamah had told Yudhishtir to be happy, this story

There is a story in the Mahabharata's Shanti Parva. This story narrates Bhishma to Yudhishthira. Before narrating the story, Bhishma says that the person who arranges the work ahead of time is called 'anonymity'. And, which is known to work at just the right time, it is called 'repetitive'. They can find both happiness, but longevity is destroyed. I hear a beautiful narrative about the determination of long-term duty and duty, listen carefully and listen.

In a pond, which had little water, many fish lived. There were also three skilled fisheries. They used to be all three together There was a longevity (anonymity) in it, the second repetition and the third lull.

One day, some fishermen took out the drains from the pond for the purpose of catching more fish and started draining their water in the surrounding lowlands. Seeing the water curtains of the lake, the long-winded fishermen said to their two companions with the fear of the next fear, it seems that all creatures living in this reservoir are going to face objection. Therefore, we should move from here soon till our exit route is destroyed. If you people also know my advice, then let's move to another place.

Laxmi Fishery said on this, you have said something right, but I have such a view that we should not hurry now. Then say the repetitive, oh! When the time comes, my intelligence never misses out. Knowing such thoughts of both of them, the mammoth lakes, then on the same day, goes towards a deep reservoir through a drain.

After some time, when the fishermen saw that the water of the reservoir had almost gone out, they trapped all the fish of that reservoir in many webs. Long-time with everyone, too, got trapped in the trap. When the fishermen picked up the trap, the repetition entered into all the fish and fell into the dead, and breathed only with the slightest water in the fish.

The fishermen trapped all the fish trapped in the trap, the other deep water ponds came and started washing them in them. At the same time, the reproduction came out of the trap and entered the water, but the long-term was unconscious and died.

In this way, the man who does not see the time he came on his head, is destroyed like a long fisherman. And, by understanding that by understanding that I am very capable, I do not take measures for my wellbeing already, he gets in the same position as a fishery named Pratyupannamati. That is why it has been said that the unevenness and repetition of these two are happy and the long-term losses are destroyed. A man who does his job well, carefully and carefully, in a fair country and time, he definitely gets his reward.

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